View this post on Instagram All my best moments in Madrid, my favorites were the Prado museum and the Tabbacalera emerging street artist exhibition space. Two very different extremes of art. Both beautiful! A post shared by Venus Williams (@venuswilliams) on May 12, 2018 at 12:31pm PDT
All my best moments in Madrid, my favorites were the Prado museum and the Tabbacalera emerging street artist exhibition space. Two very different extremes of art. Both beautiful!
A post shared by Venus Williams (@venuswilliams) on May 12, 2018 at 12:31pm PDT
Venus nemá problém se vyjádřit kriticky, pokud je něco v nepořádku. Když se za toto snesly na její hlavu negativní reakce, řekla, že takto byla vychovaná - říct, když vidí něco, co není dobré, a něco s tím udělat.