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Carey Mulliganová a Marcus Mumford

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I love this photo but since @careymumford aged them with the Faceapp its all I see.😩😄 I can't say enough how much I adore these two.❤❤ People are worrying about concerts, sports and eating out at restaurants and I'm sitting here like, I'm good until coronavirus is gone or we get a vaccine. I'm watching old videos, reading saved interviews etc. Here is a short read of these two lovelies when they were in South Africa in 2016. . "Also in the green room is lead singer Marcus Mumford’s wife Carey Mulligan, the lauded British actress, who has flown out to Johannesburg to be with her husband for a couple of days. She somehow manages to look functional yet glamorous in a black boiler suit, their four-month-old daughter Evie in her arms. It’s all part of what proves to be a remarkable adventure in South Africa. “Has anybody seen my wife and child?” asks Mumford, during a break from recording, when Mulligan wanders off down one of the corporation’s endless corridors and doesn’t come back. “Has anybody seen my passport?” says Johan Karlberg, the Very Best’s avuncular leader. “I last had it when I was on the toilet.” Wife, child and passport are found, the mysteries of the corporation’s arcane recording equipment are solved, and slowly the session comes together." #marcusmumford #careymulligan #mumfordandsons #credittothephotographer 📷 Yahoo 2017, Carey and Marcus attend the Audi-hosted opening night dinner For AFI & Netflix's Mudbound

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Když byli teenageři, zapsali se každý ve svém kostele do programu, ve kterém si jeho účastníci posílali dopisy. Program dal tyto dva dohromady, a i když jejich dopisování po několika letech ustalo, známá herečka a člen kapely Mumford & Sons opět navázali kontakt po tom, co se dozvěděli o svých úspěších. Jejich dopisování nejspíš vytvořilo pevné pouto, které vedlo až ke svatbě. 


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